Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD Android

Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD v3.422 Terbaru Android - adalah sebuah permainan yang sedikit berbeda dari jenis Tekken yang sering dimainkan pada konsol Playstation. Tekken Card Tournament merupakan permainan berjenis Kartu di playstore. Tentu masih tetap akan terdapat karakter dari Tekken yang selama ini kita kenal seperti Paul atau Kazuya, juga ada adegan pertarungan.

Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD Android

Cara Bermain Tekken Card Tournament kamu akan bermain melawan pemain lain satu lawan satu menggunakan setumpuk kartu sebagai pengganti kontrol. Akan ada serangkaian kartu yang dapat kamu mainkan untuk menyerang atau memblokir. Kamu memiliki hampir 200 kartu berbeda, sehingga kombinasi setiap kartu hampir tidak terbatas. Tentu yang penting adalah strategi dalam mengeluarkan kartu sesuai kondisi, saat melakukan pertahanan dan penyerangan.

Tekken Card Tournament adalah salah satu card game terbaik dalam sisi gameplay. Kebanyakan card game hanya berfokus di siapa yang mempunyai kartu terbaik akan menang. Namun di Tekken Card Tournament strategi kamu sangat berperan penting, jika kamu benar-benar pintar maka kamu dapat mengalahkan musuh yang jauh di atas kamu.

Setelah memilih sebuah hero maka kamu akan diberikan kartu-kartu, setiap kartu ini berisi gerakan hero tersebut dan jumlah damagenya. Begitu pertandingan dimulai maka kamu dan lawan kamu harus memutuskan untuk mengambil 1 dari 3 aksi yang ada. Aksi tersebut adalah fokus, block dan strike. Disinilah strategi kamu dalam membaca pertarungan akan diuji.

Online gameplay is fast and furious. Fight battles using combos with three actions: Focus, Strike and Block. During each turn, fighters choose whether to draw a new card from their deck, launch an attack with their cards or attempt to block. Think fast, fight faster.

Don’t just think with your fists in this CCG. Strategy and tactics are key with less than 10s to make decisions and guess what your competition is planning with their deck. Winning bouts needs composure, bluffing and intuition. Use combos to destroy your opponents in duels and win global competitions and tournaments. Challenge the best fighters, win bouts and uncover all the cards!

Collect over 190 physical TEKKEN CARD TOURNAMENT Game Cards and bring real-world crossover to the gameplay, with unique QR codes letting you instantly add the card to your digital deck in-game, and Augmented Reality bringing the characters to life in players’ environments. Launch into combo card battles globally online with skill-matched players from around the world, and give their TEKKEN iron fist a workout anytime, anywhere. It’s a truly global beatemup CCG!

DEEP GAMEPLAY: Customise your online deck. Use the fusion system to create and collect new cards, and perfect your strategic combos of Focus, Strike and Block moves to take down competition from across the globe.

AMAZING VISUALS: High quality, liquid smooth 3D graphics known to the TEKKEN universe are faultlessly rendered in this beatemup game.

WORLDWIDE COMPETITION: Train in solo play until you are ready to challenge matched opponents to duel around the globe online. Your aim is to climb the global rankings, with extra rewards available to win in themed contests and weekly battles.

SOLO CAMPAIGN: Take up 50 unique challenges to test your skill and tactical judgement all over Japan. More countries and challenges in the next updates.

TAG: A “tag deck” doubles the action in the game with a second character. Fight, and a card is randomly drawn from either deck for your main character. So if one on one isn’t enough in your world, start your tag deck for two vs two! Strike, and see your characters fight with the move on the card.

Whats New in version 3.422:
  • The game is now working correctly on Android 6.0 and above.
  • Fixed a bug where the player was forced to sign-in at each app launch when logged with a mail account linked to Facebook.
  • Minor display fixes and improvements on Team view, Iron Fist Ranking and solo campaign lent deck editor.

Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD Android Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD Android 

Link Tekken Card Tournament APK MOD v3.422
Apk | OBB

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